Word of the week: "zeitgeist"

Source: "The Sad Romance of Cutting and Burning" by David Leibow, 15 Oct. 2010.

Sentence: "There are a whole bunch of self-injurious behaviors that young people pick up from their friends or from the cultural zeitgeist."

Definition: noun the spirit of the time; general trend of thought or feeling characteristic of a particular period of time.

Leibow's article is about observational learning that youths do nowadays in which they pick up unhealthy and self-damaging behaviors that are glamorized in the media and by musicians, actors, writers, and other celebrities many of them idolize. The term "zeitgeist" in Leibow's opening sentence refers to this current trend of observational learning that is occurring throughout our nation in this day and age, something that was not as prominent and/or of much concern to people in earlier times as it is today.

Works Cited

Leibow, David. "The Sad Romance of Cutting and Burning." Psychology Today. Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, 2009. Web. 8 March 201.

"zeitgeist." Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com, LLC, 2011. Web. 8 March 2011.

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